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Friday, March 30, 2007

Rainbow Vacuum Tech Tips On How To Keep Your Rainbow Running Like New

Todays' tip is on how to remove your separator. First thing to we need is a 9/16 wrench. Try this first. If you unit has a separator that its slits are on a angle then you may experience the motor shaft turning with you. This design was on units made prior to 1990. If your unit was made from 1990 to 1998 and the separator has its slits straight up and down, then hold the separator with one hand and then try to remove a-nut with wrench. This design has a hex pocket that allows a nut below to sit into. This allows the separator to hold the motor while you try to remove the separator. If you have the older style, then this design can be updated to fit your unit. It is very simple and we can explain how to do this over the phone in about 4-5 minutes. The cost is around $30.00. If you have a open style a-nut, have this replaced with part # H555. This part can be found on our website. Type into search. The reason for this is because the open style allows dirt and water to get directly in the threads on the motor shaft. This creates rust on the threads and makes it difficult to remove a-hut. If none of this helps then you can use a airgun if you have one or ask a local gas station. I am sure they would help as this would take less than 30 seconds of there time. Maybe get a full tank of gas first from them.

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